Sunday, December 20, 2009

Our Four-Day "Hi"

Without a doubt, I get high on babies! My own were amazing and now I have the privilege of grandparenting! It’s the BEST…all the JOY anyone could handle. Is it no wonder that Christmas, the celebration of God’s baby Son’s arrival, sparks such pure delight, good will, and warm toasty feelings in the hearts of men, women and children? Babies do that.

Our time together a couple of weeks ago with L and J was definitely our best Christmas gift thus far. If you go to you’ll see little J’s mama’s post about our time and here I’ll attempt to share a few of my thoughts about it too.

First glimpse of our kids! Yay they made it!

Airplane all washed off in the tub and now a little time to play…is he gorgeous or what???

Sherman dog meets Baby J…neither one is quite sure. Sherman is not used to sharing his "daddy's" lap with anyone except maybe me now and then.

This is the next favorite spot for all of our tiny grandbabies. We wondered if J would get into stuff as he putz around the tables, but he’s not tall enough to reach much of anything. He did manage to pull off the rubber doorstop ends and attempted to put a quarter in his mouth. You have to be quick around this little guy.

He’s still trying to make points with Sherman. This was a tough shot to get because every time J would walk over to him, Sherm would move away…even through the glass! Scaredy dog!

Baby J’s a bit of a challenge to feed when life is this exciting. He’s way too busy to eat. Hold on Grandpa J!

He got me…What a tease at only ten months old! One more pic, I can’t resist! Look at that face…too cute!

Of course our time went by all too fast, but we had to let J and mama go home to dada. Thanks M for sharing.  We love y’all bunches.  See you in February!

Posted in Family, Smiles

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