Monday, August 23, 2010

What is your Favorite?

When people ask me "What's your favorite ______, (i.e. color, food, place, etc)?" I try to come up with the one and only answer that will truly reflect a discerning mind, offer an accurate picture of the fabulous person I am, and of course be a wise and creative choice. Because of all of the above expectations, a barrage of answers flood my poor anxious brain at once, I choke, and just throw out one of my many many favorites. It happens I like a lot of colors best, chocolate and coffee run a pretty close race for food/drink, and so on.

Today I realized a truly legitimate "favorite" of mine that's stood the test of time in my life as a believer. I'm sharing it with you today not to sound wise, convince you I have a discerning mind, or even show off what a fabulous person I am, but instead to encourage you in the JOY that comes from being QUIET before the Lord in prayer and meditation, which is not natural for me (okay that's enough snickering under your breath thank you), but the effort is well worth it. To just step off the perpetual treadmill now and then.
This morning I found a portion of scripture in Lamentations that I believe shows us it may be one of God's "favorites" too.

"The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
To the soul who seeks Him.
It is good that one should hope and wait quietly
For the salvation of the Lord.
It is good for a man to bear 
The yoke in his youth.
Let him sit alone and keep silent,
Because God has laid it on him."
        Lamentations 3:25-28

Wow, doesn't that go down like a nice morsel of dark chocolate?  Jeremiah uses the word
GOOD three times in this short passage. He uses WAIT twice.
"Wait for Him...hope and wait quietly...sit alone and keep silent."
Please take out time today to wait, to listen, to be quiet before Him.. It is SO good!!!


  1. Thanks for sharing that favorite. :) I find favorite questions very stressful, too.

  2. Put "write a devotional book" on your bucket list for sure!
