Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Truth shall make you free..."

Are these guys free or what?

“Truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

In Writer's Road Workshop last night, J.J. talked about how “as women” we are so prone to having to justify everything we do for ourselves. We will do for others without making excuses—it’s the norm, but if we do for ourselves, we have to justify our reasons, or name ourselves selfish.

An example. E said she likes to sleep in on a Saturday morning, but feels guilty if she does. I said, “It’s okay. Your body probably needs the sleep.” J.J. pounced on that statement (thank you J.J.) by explaining we don’t have to justify a simple sleep-in by saying our body needed it. What if we just slept in because it’s pleasurable. Now there's a unique thought. Why not revel in the luxury? Be grateful to God for the opportunity?

I thought again about all the negative self-talk I exercise. Why do I do that? One of many reasons is because it’s a cop out—gets me off the hook for not measuring up to my own unrealistic standard, or to someone else’s expectations.

It may be absolutely true, that on occasion, my writing is not as good as a fellow writer’s. Though that may be an honest evaluation, where does it take me? Do I berate myself for not being as clever as another, diminish my own ability and value, or do I let the other’s skillful work inspire me to keep at it, and assure myself if they can do it, then so can I? I'm learning the latter.

Thank the good Lord I am not like another and that no one is like me. I believe in the unique individual God has created me to be. I purpose to let go of every speck of self recrimination, and move toward the light God has given me for my journey. I won’t try to veer onto or share another person’s path.

This honesty, these truths leave the sin of negative self-talk writhing in the dust. My new story propels me out onto a new level of confidence, rest and joy. It sets me free to be the outrageous, the serious, the authentic self (and writer) I’m designed to be. It gives me power to choose freely.

My judge, my only Judge is my heavenly Father who has put His seal of approval on me because of Jesus, my Savior and Lord, Who long ago freed me from condemnation.

Yah God!!


  1. Oh goodie - I get to be the first one again to comment on your blog. I am so glad you choose to be outrageous and write because you are wonderful at it. Yah God for that.

  2. This was a great joy to read...loved it!

    It's so ironic that our book study group is also focusing on a verse in John which goes so well with your point on the truth setting us free. John 10:10 "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of."

    I am a lover of children's books. One of my favorite books, You Are Special by Max Lucado, is a great reminder of the ways I allow others or myself to 'disclaim' who God created me to be with the negative self-talk, which in the end, hurts Him. It is an awesome book to remind us that we are His children, not the world's.

    Thanks for the wonderful, joy-filled tidbit this morning, Susie!
