It started out with the pitter patter of some very cute feet at our house..
That belonged to this little fella, our youngest grandson, who lives way too far away from us.
And then....we partied a little with our best friends in AZ.
Snacked on one of these "hurmongous" (about 8" square each) pecan rolls on our way to Lubbock.
Then, woke up to a white Christmas Eve day...snowed in through to Christmas afternoon. Sherman is not understanding that he must go "out" in this to do his business...It was beautiful, but Mary Todd was not all too keen about her soft white cloak. She's an AZ girl.
Next, we have R modeling his new blue sock monkey! Do these children melt a grandma's heart or what?
And now Christmas afternoon in town at Big Pop and Big Mom's house, we strike a proud pose in our new coat once again.
The FAM....
Some more very nice feet...
And then some yummy feet!
It's been great....We LOVE YOU little darlings. xo